Topic > Potential interventions to assist in our growth...

Potential interventionsPotential interventions specific to our community nursing diagnoses are requesting grants to help fund improvements to environmental facilities, educating the community and creating information leaflets and booklets regarding the benefits of increased physical activity. We believe these three interventions are the most important at this time to assist in our growing physical activity initiative for Talbot. GrantNow that the data has been collected and community needs are evident, writing for a federal grant would greatly help the community improve its resources to encourage physical activity. The community is at the point where they know exactly where these funds will be used. The grant would help with environmental amenities such as sidewalks and parks. Based on strong evidence of their effectiveness in improving fitness and increasing physical activity, the Community Preventive Services Task Force recommends training or increased access to physical activity areas (, 2013). Ten studies qualified for review by the Community Preventive Services Task Force and produced the following results: Improving access to physical activity areas helped people increase their level of exercise and most of studies reported increased weight loss or decreased body fat for members who participated (, 2013). Therefore, based on the evidence of the benefits of improving environmental structures to encourage increased physical activity and the completion of the assessment of our community's needs and resources, analysis of problems and determination of objectives, it is time to develop a plan to improve the environment. .... half of the paper ...... Strength on community preventive services, the evidence was rated as strong for the benefits of community-level campaigns and reported that the campaigns in the study produced an average increase in approximately 4% in the percentage of people who were involved in physical activity (, 2013). As we recognize the importance that a community campaign will have on Talbot County, leaflets and leaflets will be distributed in all public facilities, including schools and the post office, to raise awareness in the community about our physical activity initiative. The information on the leaflets will include times when education will take place in local churches and the leaflets will give a snapshot of what the physical activity initiative is about and will also include times when education sessions will be held in church and how participate in a walk program.