Technology and Education Technology has revolutionized the way all humans live their daily lives. Every second of every day, our world and our way of life become more developed and dependent on technology for the basic needs of human existence. At home, at work, at school, walking down the street or listening to music, technology has enabled people to do things better, faster and more efficiently. As the world continues to explode with the development of new technologies and the refinement of current technology, the emphasis on technology in education will be increasingly important. Technology can significantly improve learning development and it is important that an understanding of technological principles and education is established in our education systems. Through proper use, the integration of technology into the curriculum of school systems offers children the opportunity to become more intelligent and well-rounded individuals. You might wonder what impact technology has on student development or why it might be needed in the classroom. For starters, technology makes children smarter. Now, I'm not saying that simply placing a child in front of a computer screen will increase his or her literacy, math skills, or scientific ability, but a properly structured computer or other technology program that addresses any of the subjects of study will have a greater positive impact. on the learning of all students compared to traditional teaching methods alone. Even so, how does technology make children smarter? Well, first of all, technology can sharpen teachers' skills across higher education, give them access to new and interesting concepts, better understanding... middle of paper... leave the classroom. Nothing will ever replace physically going to these places in person and experiencing all the wonders this world has to offer, but the use of technology creates means through which we can all experience new and wonderful things. This means teaching, gathering new and important information, and shaping the minds of the future to advance the existence of our society. Technology makes this possible and should continue to make it possible for generations to come. References: org/sreports/tc/class/cl-n.htm _function=detail&