Topic > American multinational telecommunications company: AT&T...

AT&T stock price Originally, AT&T position for "American Telephone and Telegraph", which is an American multinational telecommunications company. This union was established on October 5, 1983 in the United States, headquartered at the Whitacre Tower in downtown Dallas, Texas. AT&T is the second largest benefactor of mobile telephony and the largest and largest landline telephone provider in the United States and also provides broadband television service. The total number of employees working in AT&T is 246,740 in 2013. AT&T has three scraps in which it works: wire line, U verse and wireless. In May 2013, AT&T declared itself the 21st largest company in the world by market value. AT&T is fully positioned to carry and carry the package in the contemporary global and vital environment. AT&T is the primary active collective telecommunications operator that appears unswervingly and openly in the current market with its coast-to-coast and global extended distance telecommunications authorizations. The pervasive trade of this company can be established...