Topic > Achieving and studying a degree in Production in…

After studying a GCSE and whilst studying this degree, a degree in Media was an obvious choice to study at university. Initially studying GSCE Media purely by chance, my passion for the subject grew throughout MidKent College and will continue to grow with you and, in due course, finding work. Earning and studying a degree in media production will greatly increase my chances of obtaining career-relevant employment in something I thoroughly enjoy. As I move on to the next educational step in my life, my knowledge and understanding of the arts will increase significantly as there is only so much you can learn from a level three diploma course. Once I leave university and earn my bachelor's degree, I hope to study further for a master's degree or gain enough internship experience to start my own production company. A degree in theory and practice will open doors in my future or even while I am studying, the more doors that open the greater the chance of success. The work situation for my demographic is appalling ...