Far away in one of Africa's red clay fields, which if measured, will be no less than the size of 4 or 5 football pitches. Jibraan, seeks to extract gold by digging deep into the surface of a gold mining site. The site has long been banned by the local government of the village, due to the spread of various diseases caused by the gold mining activity. Various warnings have been given to villagers attempting to dig for gold, but though, aware of the circumstances, Jibraan's persistence to continue digging is imperative. He has nothing left; not even his wife and 2 children. She wishes to leave poverty and live a more luxurious life with her family, freeing them from the hardships of rigorous African village life. As he digs deeper, inhumanly and hungrily searching for more and more gold, he hears a voice, groups of villagers coming from far away. Jibraan confidently assumes that they are right outside the chain-link fence surrounding the site and will dare to enter. It surprised the villager...