The first recommendation to financial institutions to increase economic growth is for financial institutions to pay attention to low-income areas of the country. In an economy without financial institutions, people typically have little information about how to save money in the bank. People in poorer areas do not save money through financial institutions. Most of them save money under the mattress or in a cookie jar. As a result, savings are not used effectively and efficiently. Low savings in bank wills causes a limitation of money kept in the bank and the bank also faced liquidity problems. Therefore, entrepreneurs in economically disadvantaged areas face difficulties in borrowing funds for business purposes. Furthermore, in economically disadvantaged areas the level of investment is always low. The consequences of poor investment are slow or no economic growth and also the growth of financial institutions. In addition to this, information costs for both savers and borrowers are high due to the lack of financial institutions. High information costs can reduce the level of business investment and economic growth suffers. Therefore, the deficit of financial institutions results in a low official saving rate, but at the same time leads to low levels of investment. The lack of financial institutions translates into increased information costs and leads to reduced overall levels of business investment. As a financial institution, they should pay more attention to economically disadvantaged areas by expanding branches or providing knowledge about the financial institution. Therefore, people living in economically disadvantaged areas can take full advantage of the comparative advantage of financial institutions to strengthen economic growth. The second recommendation is… half of the document… attention and resources for risk management. Risks cannot be completely avoided but they can be reduced. Risk management helps to coordinate the utility of resources, decrease, control and monitor the chances of uncertainties occurring in their daily operating system. Additionally, predict the future and prepare employees to address and resolve risks. In case of uncertainty, the institution will have a backup strategy to address and resolve it to minimize possible losses and risks. Credit risk, market risk and operational risk are risks that the bank can face. The risks are absorbed by the institutions themselves. Once absorbed, risks must be managed well and efficiently. Ultimately, hiring a professional and having experience in risk management should be treated seriously by the financial institution because once the risks cannot be managed well, they will affect many fields.