One person dies every 19 minutes from a prescription drug overdose in the United States. In an effort to combat the misuse and abuse of prescription drugs, the Food and Drug Administration is seeking new restrictions on some of the most commonly prescribed narcotic drugs currently on the market. (CNN) In 1999, it was discovered that the purchase of prescription drugs quadrupled and deaths caused by painkillers also quadrupled; every 19 minutes someone dies in the United States from a prescription drug overdose. From 1996 to 2001, Purdue conducted more than 40 national pain management conferences and speaker trainings at resorts in RoHda, Arizona and California. To try to influence how doctors prescribe painkillers, more than 5,000 doctors, pharmacists and nurses were invited, in the hope that they could be influenced on how and what to prescribe in the field of pain medicine. As an incentive sales representatives were offered lucrative bonuses to increase their Oxycontin sales. Primary care physicians have begun using the increasingly popular Oxycontin more; in 2003, nearly half of all doctors prescribing Oxycontin were primary care physicians; some experts were concerned that primary care physicians were not trained in pain management or addiction issues. Misrepresenting the risk of addiction proved costly for Purdue, On May 10, 2007, Urdue Frederick Company Inc, an affiliate of Purdue Pharma, along with 3 company executives, pleaded guilty to criminal charges of misbranding Oxycontin claiming it was less addictive. and less subject to abuse and diversion than other opioids, and would have to pay $634 million in fines. Conclusion: Today both federal and state agencies are re...... Using Hydrocodone Addiction Facts - Rehab International › Addiction CenterAbout Alta Mira Drug Rehabilitation Programs - Drug Rehabilitation Programs Alta Mira Recovery Oxycontin Users Switch to Heroin After Drug Redesigned | Fox ... Drug Trends Missouri Long-Term Effects - In Know Zone Short-term effects - In The Know Zone . html Missouri ranks last nationally in tracking prescription drug abuse | Guest ... Prescription Drugs: Oxycontin Abuse and Diversion and Efforts to Address the Problem : GAO-04-110.