• Yanira was raised differently than most American children because she was working at age six. She went with a group of people and spent five days on the river with them. He performed many tasks such as sweeping sand off people's mats, cooking and serving food to other people. She is out working and helping without even being asked, while in America children are begged to do tasks and sometimes don't even complete them. In America there are many children who do not do their homework unless asked to do so (Kolbert). I remember when I was little my parents gave me chores to do and I always tried to put them off until the last minute because I didn't want to do them. I also never did any household chores without being asked. I always felt like I was busy and had other things to do. • Parents train their children in different cultures to be ready for adult responsibilities in many different ways. It could be because there are many different variables, such as society and how their parents raised them. Some cultures require children to carry out adult responsibilities from early in life, such as hunting for food in some cultures. In some cultures, parents taught their children what they were supposed to do in the world and what their responsibilities were. In some places parents don't help their child, they just feel like they have the responsibility and it's just easier if they don't. Some children help their families more because of the way they were raised. The children of Los Angeles were not educated with the same responsibilities as the children of Matsigenka. Even the kids in Los Angeles didn't help much around the house because the parents didn't practice what they said and let the kids get away without doing... half paper... the punishment in this article would be when the child leaves he goes and the parent doesn't help him, but even in this case he also helps the child grow. Another punishment was when the child dropped his mother's grocery bag and then made him start taking out the garbage and other things. Getting something the child wants rewards him. • I honestly don't like Kolbert's essay not saying it was bad or invalid information. I just believe that parents should parent their children as they want, they are their children and not someone else's. Every parent raises their children in different ways and this makes each one unique, if we maintained the same type of parenting style not everyone would be so different. The letters written after the article had no influence on me because I am convinced that a parent should do whatever parenting style they want.