Topic > Life in the 1960s - 665

Life in the 1960s The 1960s were full of high-impact events and important figures. From Hitchcock publishing one of the greatest thrillers of all time, Psycho, to the untimely death of Marilyn Monroe, to the infamous Woodstock festival. This era completely changed history and made the United States think twice about its youth. The events of the 1960s are still impacting our country as we know it today. The sudden push of the conservative 1950s changed America's outlook on all aspects of life, including fashion, entertainment and lifestyle. While the 1950s had been very conservative, stay-at-home housewives, perfect families and home life, the baby boomers soon alternated this into a very different lifestyle. Women began to fight for their rights and men began to realize them as equals, the war in America became a very painful topic, not everyone was “patriotic” and believed that we should all fight for our country. The people who initiated these changes in thinking were known as “hippies.” The hippie movement began in San Francisco. A horse race...