(Insert citation p 305). Consideration refers to the obtained good or service agreed upon by each party under a contract. Contractual capacity is the legal capacity to enter into a binding contract. Some factors that affect contractual capacity are: age, mental health and agreements while intoxicated by alcohol. Last but not least is the legal object, which means that for a contract to be enforceable it must have legal intent and respect public order. If all these factors are present in a contract, we can conclude that a binding contractual agreement exists and is enforceable by law. If the elements of a contract existed between these parties, there could still be some possible reasons why a contract might not be valid based on facts not present in the scenario. For example, if Sam was a minor at the time of concluding the contract with the store chain, the contract would be invalid due to contractual capacity. By law, the contract stipulated by minors can be canceled by the minor himself. Other reasons that may deem a contract invalid include lack of genuine consent, meaning the accepting party entered into the agreement under fraudulent circumstances, duress, undue influence and/or misrepresentation. Furthermore, the validity of the contract could be hindered by the lack of adequate form. This typically refers to