Topic > Boys Will Be Boys Analysis - 716

Nobody has to take care of me because I'm capable of it, I'm a girly girl but I'm also a strong woman. Chimamanda Ngozi's definition of a feminist sums up what I think simply: "a feminist is a man or woman who says: yes, there is a problem with gender as it is today and we have to solve it, we have to do it better" All in all the word feminist is not an insult and everyone should want to be valued by it, it is not something to be ashamed of. Feminism supports the social, political, legal and economic rights of women equal to those of men. But feminist is the pursuit of equality, it's the fact that this is a problem and people want to solve it. My definition of feminist is this: a world that doesn't care about your gender, but cares about who you are as a person.