Topic > Computer Ethics Awareness Among College Students

Introduction1.1 BackgroundComputers are the fundamental technology of our times and, apparently, the most important technology ever invented and used by man. Without computers and computer networks, especially the Internet, the activities of most organizations, such as banks, schools, government agencies, would simply stop. Modern society's dependence on the use of information technology makes it more vulnerable to computer malfunction caused by unreliable software and computer misuse (Forrester and Morrison, 2001). According to Forrester and Morrison (2001), this unethical use of computers has created a whole new set of social problems, which include computer crime, software theft, hacking, virus creation, invasion of privacy, over-reliance on intelligent machines and stress in the workplace. .This unethical information systems (IS) behavior has caused significant losses to businesses and society at large. IT professional bodies are concerned about these ethical issues because of their potential harm to society and the integrity of the IT profession. The Association Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the British Computer Society and the International Federation for Information Processing (IFP) have come together to formulate codes of ethics and professional conduct for IT professionals , as a way to control or reduce unethical conduct in the IT profession. The 1991 report of the ACM/IEEE-CS Curriculum Task Force recommended the introduction of computer ethics into the undergraduate computer science curriculum (Martin & Yale-Weltz, 1999). The report highlighted the importance of exposing students to the ethical and social issues associated with co...... half of the article ...... is study, the following research questions were formulated: Do they see some of the their activities as cybercrime? Has teaching cyber ethics changed their perception of cybercrime? Do age and gender influence students' judgment of what they perceive as cybercrime? What are the similarities and differences between the findings of this study and those of related studies1.4 Limitations of the StudyThis study evaluates awareness of computer ethics among college students. It only involves master's students in Computer Science and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University. Other doctoral students are excluded from the study. This group of students was chosen because it was easily accessible to the researcher and because of the limited time available to conduct the study. The scope of the study is limited to the cyber crimes aspect of computer ethics.