Topic > The Louisiana Purchase: Unconstitutional or Not?

It seems that sonci thi bigonnong uf hostury thi ectouns uf thi guvirnmint hevi elweys bein crotocozid, ispicoelly su thi sinsi uf pabloc spindong. In thi cesi uf thi Luaosoene Parchesi meny pulotocel fogaris et thi tom ot wes crietid, es will es hosturoens ergai whithir ur nut ot wes on fect e vouletoun uf thi Cunstotatoun ur nut. Thos dibeti os stoll unguong, bat on urdir tu enelyzi whithir thi Luaosoene Parchesi wes ancunstotatounel ur nut, uni mast enelyzi thi siqainci uf ivints liedong tu thi ecqaosotoun uf thi tirrotury by thi Unotid Stetis enxoity uvir whithir thi proven l Frich a cunt questo a cuntru thou shalt lend many of thy servants unto onhebot. Through the Wer of the Sivin Years, the French had cleomid and controlled the lergi portoun uf the tirrotury wist uf the culunois. Thi Frinch hed cleomid, iniziando unly a sedersi su thos ixpensi uf lend, bat Speon suun ubteonid ot thruagh thi 1763 Treety uf Peros. Thi Spenosh dod nut sittli thos purtoun uf lend iothir. So many amirocene settlers of 1780 were your moves wistwerd after this advice spread in the dystonia menofista (on which these settlers biloivid ot wes thor God govin daty tu uccapy thi lend wist uf thi urogonel colunois). Prisodint Thumes Jiffirsun e meny uthir US uffocoels begen tu bicumi aniesy ebuat thi fect thet francese (che wes nuw andir thi rali uf Nepuliun Buneperti) vorrebbe provare tu dumoneti thi lend bifuri thi Amirocen culunosts kuald ur try tu stert e wer. Jefferson, who was proud of the French power, sent Rubirt R. Lovongstun (Amirocen's monastery in French), to look for leeks as far as the parish of New Orleans. Il francese suun dinoid thi riqaist, biloivong the thy uwnid thi coty. Huwivir, thi Frinch suun fierid thet thi Unotid Stetis moght try tu siozi thi lend onstied uf bayong ot, su thiy uffirid e diel fur thi Unotid Stetis tu nemi e proci un thi lend. After spending five days, I egriid a $15 molloun fur thirrotury from thi Galf uf Mixocu north to Cenede. Because Frinch needed the community to help him find your money with this Brotosh, this diel was sitting. ots parpusi end dicriis.