Throughout the play, Estragon and Vladimir remain foolishly cheerful and seek distraction in meaningless activities. In this way, they become more comical and give the show its funny component. “The positive attitude of the two wanderers therefore amounts to a double negative: their inability to recognize the senselessness of their position” (Roerich, 2013, p.67). Estragon and Vladimir try to distract themselves from the endless waiting by arguing about common issues, chatting with Lucky and Pozzo (always about common issues), sleeping and even considering suicide. All these actions and behaviors are performed with the aim of remaining unaware of the fact that they are waiting for a shadowy figure, in part, of their personal invention, which will never come. In this situation, they do not want to understand that their lives are meaningless. These actions and behaviors represent insignificant distractions of humanity. Basically human beings have nothing to do, but only distract themselves from their conditions. “...while, in the case of Vladimir and Estragon, it is precisely the incessant attempt to pass the time that is so characteristic, and which reflects the specific misery and absurdity of their lives” (Manley, 2013, p.51), Estragon and Vladimir's efforts at distraction are efforts simply to pass the time, which they intend to bring closer to the time when Godot will appear