Topic > Cognition and the cognitive process - 733

Bella's brother, Noah, is a very intelligent boy and also very talkative. She had a tendency to talk for Bella and other times to talk so much, that Bella didn't have a chance to talk as much. This led to a slight delay in Bella's speech compared to her brother, so she didn't really start talking until she was about nine months old. Some of his first words were Mema, no and bye. Bella's cognitive development in general has been a little slower, and this has manifested itself in her ability to repeat, point and play. He often compensated with his more rapid physical development, walking, climbing, and getting into whatever he wanted. According to Biringen, Emde, Campos, and Appelbaum (1995) “walking infants also demonstrate greater “willpower” in social interactions with their parents than crawling infants..