Although the unemployment rate is decreasing compared to recent years, having a job is a blessing. An even greater blessing is having a job you love. Because the job market is competitive, many people are content to work at companies they are dissatisfied with to earn a means of income. A career with very low satisfaction falls within the education profession. Teachers report having low satisfaction with their jobs, with a related mix of low motivation. Due to these obstacles, work performance may also suffer. According to a journal entry in Teacher and Teacher Education, many factors predict job satisfaction, including the intrinsic reward of teaching, factors extrinsic to schooling, and, most importantly, schooling. Equity theory believes that people look at work by comparing it to their work inputs, work outcomes, and also the inputs and outcomes of their colleagues. When a teacher deals with restless students, constantly grades papers and tests, holds conferences with parents, and spends summer vacations preparing for the next school semester, it seems that he would be highly appreciated. Instead, they are discounted for the many services they provide, which is not an equal input-outcome ratio. They are working countless jobs before, during, and after school, but that does not reflect gratitude for the effort. Again using equity theory, academic school teachers do not receive the same compensation as physical education teachers or coaches. This inequality adds tension to colleagues, causing more stress to colleagues. This theory is motivated by aiming for a goal and being central to everyday life. As a teacher, your goal is to educate students and help shape them for the future. Sometimes, this task can be difficult, especially if they teach classes in a low-income, inner-city school. Due to some schools' low budgets, they may not get the progress and opportunities that other schools may receive, just as the struggling students themselves may not be motivated to learn. Difficulties in educating this population may challenge your overall goal of improving the education system. This decreases a teacher's motivation; knowing that you are doing your best to enlighten the students, but the goal is almost impossible to achieve