In Andrew Marantman's essay, Marantz states that "call center employees gain their financial independence at the risk of an identity crisis" (Marantz 287). This means that to have a better life in a globalized world, Indian BPO agents have to give up their original culture and even their identities to some extent. While Marantz focuses on the loss of native Indian culture, Friedman is concerned about the distorted cultural self-esteem of some Muslim countries. “At the same time,… this process of flattening has intensified the feeling of humiliation in some sectors of the Muslim world that the civilizations to which the Muslim world once felt superior – Hindus, Jews, Christians, Chinese – are now all Better". of many Muslim countries” (Friedman 176). The Muslim world once cultivated a splendid national culture in its history, but many other nations do better in today's globalized world. Once Muslims realize that they are lagging behind others, they may feel a sense of humiliation. Both authors realize that increasing communication and interaction between cultures generates challenges to the original cultures of some countries. Globalization exposes