Some people who are against PAS tend to forget the basic needs of a terminally ill patient; the right to die painlessly and peacefully. For many this means being able to die as they wish. People, as a means of persuading the patient to reject PAS, try to convince him that using PAS is “morally wrong and taking a life is unforgivable” (Varelius 559). What people forget is that, while killing a life is fundamentally wrong and morally wrong, making it suffer is also considered wrong. Many argue that terminally ill patients do not suffer; as doctors take care of them and make sure their physical pain doesn't get too out of hand. While this may be true in some cases, there is no denying the fact that in one way or another they are suffering a lot. They are suffering enough to ask for their death. Whether the terminally ill patient is suffering mentally, emotionally or physically, who are we to deny him the only way out?