In Rudyard Kipling's novel “Captains Courageous”, the self-image will be exploited and will show you that, even through the whole struggle, you can discover who you can truly be. First, you need to know who Rudyard Kipling was and his love for such a realistic attitude towards his characters. Rudyard Kipling or Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born on December 30, 1865 in what is now Mumbai, India. Rudyard was a very close person to his mother, while he was distant from his father. Kipling had only one brother and loved every corner of India. This however was taken away from him when his mother wanted him to receive a British education. Rudyard moved into a British foster home with a family called Holloway. Mrs Holloway was very abusive towards him. Kipling escaped his problems through books and writing. Soon, a worker at the foster home saw Kipling's condition due to the abuse, contacted his mother and was freed from what he called "a nightmare." Kipling was sent to a new school where he thrived. Unfortunately, the family couldn't afford college, so they sent him back to India where he reconnected with his past experiences. Seven years later Kipling, absorbing fame from his stories in India, returned to England. While in England, Kipling married one of his good childhood friends and his sisters' friend, Carrie Balestier. Soon after some heartache and bankruptcy a baby girl, Josephine, was born. At the end of the 1800s Kipling's writing career took off in a big way, then after the publication of his novel "The Jungle Book" it had a boom. Rudyard became the highest paid writer in the world in his time. Then tragedy struck, after the relapse, his daughter Josephine died from an illness she had contracted in America. Rudyard will never return to America again... middle of paper... necessary. It can become powerful or never be used again. Those who choose to listen to speak or write can create their own world. Kipling saw this and did so through his writings. For example, “The Jungle Book”, this book was a public message through a novel to reveal the horrors in meat factories in the 20th century. People in the United States and people in those kinds of areas have been deeply affected. They refused to buy, which caused investigations across the country and the closure of thousands of meat companies. Once again we can make history with the simple movement of a hand. Kipling and his novel made a strong impression on me, so much so that I can say that I have a self-confidence that I had never had before. I can walk forcefully towards anything without fear. I can see through his characters and how to pick up your head and face life while accepting the consequences.