Topic > Who are we? - 597

Troublesome thoughts turn to rubble.Eyes closed.Mind clear.Confusion is embraced by our dreams.Eyes closed.Mind clear.When the mouth is silenced you can see much more.Eyes closed .Free mind. Life is not just a roll of the dice or a decision of conscience. Eyes closed. Free mind. The spontaneous thoughts of the unaware personality give rise to a unique world. Eyes closed. Free mind. Every thought begins with an idea; think of an idea and many thoughts will follow. Eyes closed. Free mind. The thoughts you hear are part of your personality, only the ones you listen to determine your vision of reality. Although we may not know it, reality is constantly changing. Reality is based on the balance of your unique experiences and your biases towards them. Eyes closed. Free mind. But where do senseless thoughts come from when there are no experiences? The real answer is that you don't suddenly wake up and start thinking; like in one of the "Look Who's Talking" movies when I was a kid. There is a beginning of thought, but it is so minute that it doesn't register coherently. Thinking is a process of building a skyscraper when a Lego brick experiences the trials and errors of life. Eyes closed. Free mind. Meaninglessness comes from your experiences. The idea of ​​love raises many thoughts, it requires a consensual decision. There are so many different girls, but there should only be one "right" one. Your unconscious thoughts are many, you are limited by the prejudices of your consciousness determined by experiences. From where, you ask? Family. Believe it or not, the type of family you have will have a big impact on who you find attractive; with each “type” of family there will be different types of experiences that a person has. Family is where you first create your own prejudices through trial and error. Your basic personality comes from your family experiences. Think of it as if we were all cars; we get the basic package from our parents, then we get the upgrades. Eyes closed. Free mind. Do you remember the fear you had of becoming like your parents? Do you remember the epiphany when you realized you were? Or are you still in denial? I'm not saying you will become a clone of your father, just that the core part of you is. As you get older you become more complex; your thoughts, once red and green, have been challenged turning into a shade of grey.