Topic > Katie Leclerc Case Study - 1087

A blog by Daniella on HQ (1) states that “The show Switched at Birth has been very successful and has been praised for bridging the gap between the world of deaf people and that of the hearing. It's also been said that they're making deafness a cool thing." In an effort to help hearing communities relate more to communities that are too deaf, Switched at birth went silent for one episode and was largely made in ASL only, American Sign Language. This had never been done before on television. In this episode of ASL Katie, as Daphne, was fighting for deaf children to stay on their deaf campus and for them to receive the same support as a campus. for hearing people and so that they were not forced to be integrated or separated. Katie while playing Daphne brought to the table multiple concerns or questions that the hearing community does not know or understand about the deaf community signs, cochlear implants, the need for a deaf campus for deaf and HOH students, and deaf-hearing relationships