Topic > Analysis of The Underground Girls Of... by Jenny Nordberg

Waiting too long to reject someone could impact a girl's reputation. A teenage girl should not approach teenagers, even in disguise. She might mistakenly touch them or rather be touched by, and it might ruin her chances of getting married, and it would be seen as a tarnished offer” (70). If these girls were forced to marry, there would be missing pieces on how to do it. to be a woman and a wife. It is very risky not only for the family, but it could jeopardize the girl's future. If she is "clouded" she cannot find a husband. This can really take a toll on their psychological well-being. It makes girls feel like they aren't enough or have no value. The only value that women have in Afghan society is that of being a wife and mother. The tradition of Bacha Posh can really hurt these young people