HENRI DE PITOTWhen someone tries to investigate the people who have many contributions on fluid mechanics, he can find many engineers, mathematicians, physicists and scientists who found some theorems and made many inventions. Although the best known contributors to fluid mechanics are Da Vinci, Euler, Newton, Archimedes, Toricelli or Bernolli, there are many other scientists who have tried to find something new and note that some theorems or theories discovered before are simply delusions . Henri De Pitot is one of those people who have remained on the sidelines throughout scientific history. Henri De Pitot, the French genius, was born in 1965. It can be said that Henri was a lucky human being in this term because his parents were rich enough to lead a comfortable life. Although they lived in a small town in France, they had some very important giving back. However, they were worried about their child's future because Henri was not willing to start getting an education. For this reason they planned for Henri to start a military school. However, they couldn't get enough efficiency out of the military school because Henri wasn't willing to take an interest in anything yet. In those days, an accident happened to Henri accidentally changed Henri's life. At first he didn't have much desire to get an education. However, his life was changed by an event that happened in a bookstore. A copy of a geometry book incidentally caught his Pitot's attention and made him want to study something related to science. After studying mathematics for almost 3 years, he settled in Paris when he was just 23 years old......halfway through his studies......he has many contributions to different parts of science such as fluid mechanics. While some of them worked on theorems or theories about the functioning of any aspect of life, some parts of the scientists tried to work on making inventions. Some of them are famous scientists and many people know a lot of information about them. However, there are many other scientists who have remained in the shadows. One of these is Henri De Pitot. It is necessary to thank the whole scientific family.MUSTAFA MERT AŞAROĞLU ID: 2010405027REFERENCES:http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi2213.htm http://www.billcasselman.com/unpub3/pitot_tube.htm http:/ /www .efunda.com/designstandards/sensors/pitot_tubes/pitot_tubes_intro.cfm http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pitot%20tube http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-2830903435.html