Among the reform policies adopted by the Sui leadership is the equal field system in which land was divided almost equally among all members of society. Other policies were the improvement of agricultural activity to reduce the effects of the famine, measures to reduce economic inequality, the regularization and reunification of coinage, and changes in the structure of the government which included some departments and ministries. The Tang Dynasty succeeded the Sui Dynasty from 618 to 907. After some time with the Sui Dynasty there was a rebellion among the people. With the rebellion gaining power and momentum, the region once again faced civil wars. Several provincial military leaders led their men into war to gain supremacy. The end of the civil war led to the birth of the Tang dynasty. The Duke of Tang became the first emperor of the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty with a large population of people managed to raise a huge army. The dynasty's troops and leadership aimed to expand its territory into Asia. The dynasty also improved and developed new trade routes to improve the economic status of the region. Many of the region's kingdoms paid homage to the established Tang court for various matters affecting their areas. The Tang Dynasty was also able to conquer several regions and influence cultural changes in neighboring countries. The Tang Dynasty was in particular the period in which the country reached its maximum development in various aspects