Topic > The importance of acquiring a second language - 2121

In our country learning a language is considered impossible. This thinking creates problems in the classroom for teachers because most students hold back from learning English. This means that we, as teachers, need to know how languages ​​are learned and what factors influence language learning. Learning a second language parallels the acquisition of a first language in many ways. There is a clear difference between learning and acquisition. Children acquire language through a subconscious process during childhood, when they are unaware of grammar. This is for children's first language; we can say it is for the native language. There is natural communication in this process as opposed to learning. Learning a language is a conscious process, made up of rules and principles. Students have conscious knowledge and need to talk about that knowledge, which means it is non-communicative. It can be said that while acquisition is a natural process, learning is an artificial process. Learning a foreign language is important in our life especially nowadays. Everyone may have a different reason for learning English or another language, but you need to know that it is important and essential.''If you talk to a man in a language he understands, it goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language , this goes to his heart''. -Nelson Mandela"A different language is a different view of life." - Federico Fellini Second language acquisition has been the subject of research over the past two decades, but all the details of this process are not fully understood. Stephen Krashen states that second language acquisition is no different from first language acquisition. Second language acquisition occurs only... in the center of the paper... important point for speaking; critical period hypothesis. If a child starts learning a second language before the age of 6, he or she will definitely be successful. If a child starts learning a second language between the ages of 12 and 15, they will have a chance to succeed, but it is very difficult to do. In our country, students start learning a second language at the age of 9 (minimum) and it produces poor results. Teachers should emphasize contrastive analysis to students because when students know the similarities and differences between the native language and the target language in terms of the linguistic forms, vocabulary (etc.) and negative transfer can be prevented and it can also encourage positive transfer. Teachers, families and the Ministry of Education should consider the critical period hypothesis. The age for starting to learn a second language must be reduced.