Pro-choice is the fact that women can choose what they want to do to their bodies and what they believe is right. Pro-choice is often associated with abortion because women have the choice whether to have an abortion or not. If the woman sees fit to do so, then she has that choice right there for her. Pro-choice advocates also believe that the government should have no choice in whether or not it deems it appropriate for a woman to want an abortion. These advocates also believe that women should also have the ability to choose reliable, affordable contraceptives. They also support funding reproductive health care for low-income women who rely on government funding. Pro-choice advocates believe that women have the choice to have an abortion and if the woman cannot provide for her child or has become pregnant as a result of rape, she has the choice to abort the fetus. If abortion were illegal in America, women would try to find unhealthy and unsafe ways to abort their fetus. It would be very dangerous for the woman and could cause lifelong consequences on her body. If every aborted baby were born, there would be more hunger and more poverty problems. Some women who choose to have an abortion simply don't have enough money and can't afford to support another human being. In the United States, a child is considered a legal adult at the age of 18