Topic > Provisions for people with disabilities in football

Provisions for people with disabilities in football In this essay I will look at how football is organized in Lisburn, from junior level to senior level. I will investigate to see if there are any provisions for people with disabilities. I'll go through each genre and see how each is delivered. Having looked at my area, I will then look at football internationally and see how it develops and how people with disabilities are supported. The National Board of Directors of Football in N. Ireland is the IFA''The Irish Soccer Association recognizes all aspects of the community and how people, regardless of age, gender, religion and skills, they enjoy football. In addition to youth and women's football, the development of football for people with special needs is an integral part of the IFA's development strategy.... The IFA is committed to providing every player with a disability with the opportunity to participate in and enjoy the beautiful game of football.'' (IFA official website) As you can read, the main aim of the IFA is to promote football to all people, including disabled people and women. They provide football for all ages, from grassroots to international level.FIFAUEFAI.F.ACOUNCIL AGMDIVISIONALASSOCIATIONS IRISH LEAGUE NI BOYS FACLUBS NI SCHOOLS FAWOMENS FASERVICESINTERMEDIATE ANDJUNIOR CLUB 16 SENIOR BOYS CLUBSCLUBSCHOOLS