Artists like Macklemore produce a large percentage of their own work, but every now and then they release a song where they collaborated with an artist or two to produce a collaboration of sounds. Collaboration is the key to being an artist. Without it, we wouldn't be encouraged, challenged, or inspired by anyone other than our own inner artists. When we consider our work, we artists tend to overthink, overanalyze, and overseparate. We will do everything we can to come up with new ideas and ultimately end up forcing a project just for the sake of getting it done. This is why we need other people to encourage and inspire us, and when we should simply step back from the task. Sometimes, you get the best creative inspiration from someone who isn't an artist. Most of the time you will find that your inspiration exists in the world around you. Collaboration doesn't just have to be with other artists or other people. Collaboration means being willing to work with anything and anyone. Sometimes that means paying attention to our surroundings and finding art