The relationship between science and spirituality may be a debate that many people have conceptualized. Jacalyn Duffin uses her historical and medical background to lead her to an important exploration of miracle-triggering medical saints in the postmodern world that contribute to her three main observations. Duffin studies why doctors ignore miracles and prayer, why miracles are mostly about illness, and Comas and Damian in Toronto. His personal academic experiences along with his first-hand observation of miracle cures influence his work and results with "Medical Saints: Cosmas and Damian in a Postmodern World." The book leaves the reader with an idea and understanding of the concepts studied by Duffin to further develop the authority so that further contributions can be made for this field. This book will give the reader an idea of these medical saints and how significant they are in the postmodern world today. The title itself suggests that Duffin will write about the medical field along with the spirituality that accompanies the two medical saints Cosmas and Damian in the postmodern world. One might suggest, reading the title, that she will try to make sense of the saint's role in the medical field today. From there the reader can guess that it will be a book about Duffin's research in the field and how it is significant for the world we live in today. Medical Saints opens with a prologue of Duffin's experiences in writing the book and why he did so. She suggests that the work that led to the publication of Medical Saints took many years because she did not know how best to present all the information she had accumulated. His background as a doctor and historian merged with this study and b...... center of paper ...... row, the Vatican gets, and talking to pilgrims contributes to the ideas and gives him academic authority . Medical Saints is a book supported by spiritual and scientific experience, knowledge, and concepts. Duffin's plot development with his studies helps the reader conceptualize his emphasized importance on Saints Cosmas and Damian and their relationship to medical miracles. By looking at the author's experiences, his research, and his concepts, you can see that this is accurate information that can help the world we live in today. Duffin inspires healthcare and forms of spirituality to bridge the gap between them and understand that they coexist. Works Cited Duffin, Jacalyn. Medical saints: Cosmas and Damian in a postmodern world. : Oxford University Press, 01-06-2013. Oxford Online Scholarship. 23-05-2013. Access date 17 Feb. 2014