After reading the chapter Encounter with nature the question arises spontaneously. What is nature and why American historical figures such as poets and writers spent so much time writing about nature. Well, the answer is quite simple. Nature is a part of us and of history. It cannot be avoided. After reading this, nature causes many natural disasters such as snow and freezing temperatures. Many classic stories are about the cold winter and survival. Moby Dick is about the Captain's goal to find the great white whale. Nature is a beautiful thing but it can also be devastating. Natural disasters like those that happen in the ocean can be deadly. Tidal waves are just one example of what the ocean can do. These enormous waves can crash over entire cities, destroying everything in their path. Sea creatures such as whales and sharks can be deadly. Even though the chances of being killed by one are slim, things can still happen. Creatures like the whales depicted in Moby Dick can be a pleasant sight but also a deadly one. In the book the ship's captain lost a leg in a previous encounter with a whale. When the crew chased Moby Dick, he darted and swelled huge waves towards the boat and attacked. He wrecked the ship. The panicked crew was scattered around the boat. In the end, nature prevailed because Moby Dick scared the crew. But it was the humans who had the final say when they killed the giant whale. Cold, freezing winters are another of nature's forces. In Indian times, and before the modern era, people had to survive the cold. Many times people lived on mountain tops or along a river. When winter hit harder it was difficult to live. These people used techniques such as lighting fires, eating wild fruits, and killing animals as a means of survival. As in the classic story Gold Shower, gold was exchanged for food and clothing. This was one of the only ways to collect food during the time. Water was easily found by almost everyone in the mountains, this made it commerce. Everyone was eager to get the gold. Mother nature has dumped snowdrifts on the mountains, making it necessary to exchange goods. Snow is a beautiful thing, but when Mother Nature unleashes her full power it can be deadly.