The docudrama portrays Steven Avery as a man who has had trouble with law enforcement, but also a man who police officers blame and target when something bad happens . He also describes his family as upright and affable people. The Averys run a family business, live close together, and get lost, visit, and call each other often. The Averys were torn to pieces, not once, but twice. Steven's parents, who are his biggest family supporters, are constantly interviewed to see how they cope with their son and grandson in prison. Even though they remain hopeful most of the time, it is obvious that they also suffer. In episode 10, “Fighting for their Lives,” Allen Avery, Steven's father, says that Wisconsin's justice system “has ruined us. They ruined our business." Steven's mother, Dolores, says: “This is worse than the first one. There is no family here anymore." The series shows the elderly couple living alone on their plot of land, heartbroken, but full of hope, just as any parent would be in their situation. Also in “Fighting for their Lives,” Avery attorney Dean Strang emotionally shares his devastation that Wisconsin did this to Avery a second time saying, “There's a big part of me that really hopes that Steven Avery is guilty of this crime. Because the thought that he was innocent of this crime, and that he was in prison again, for something he didn't do, and now for the rest of his life