Topic > Analysis of the Action Research Cycle - 1443

IntroductionAction research is a process through which educators carry out research. Educators are encouraged to focus on issues they can influence. This is because educators are more often than not motivated to solve problems that they have personally identified rather than those that have been identified by others. Action Research Cycle Analysis Select an issue/problem that you have worked on in your team (or are working on). The topic we are working on in our University is the Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is written for all students who are eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In order for a student to be eligible, the student must be classified in one of the thirteen disability categories identified in IDEA. With maintenance of College of Arts and Sciences programs. What is the context of this problem? Why is this important? What is at stake? We are seeking to identify students who consistently exhibit academic deficiencies in an effort to provide intervention strategies to help them become successful students. We at the University are identifying students who need intervention and remediation in the classroom, which is critical to the University, the classroom, and the individual. At the university level and in every school across the nation there are individuals at risk. Usually accessed by elementary or middle school students. However, we are seeing a large number of seniors entering our CAPE (Center for Alternative Programs in Education). We won't lose them." [ Dubroy 2013] Every year, the Natural Sciences and Mathematics department loses between 30 and 50% of our students. In some......middle of paper......collaborating on a project. Ethical issues are discussed and addressed in any type of research, we focus on not harming participants, maintaining confidentiality, not making participation mandatory, not misinterpreting data, and so on. Some people question the rigor of action research approaches because it does not follow the same path of understanding as an empirical approach. The action research approach can involve educating people about the rigor and validity of action research as a method of change, learning and knowledge. Works Cited Coughlan, D., & Brannick, T. (2005). Doing action research in your organization.Los Angeles, CA: Sage.Dubroy,T. (2013) We Won't Lose Them, NSM Student Retention. Colleges of Arts & SciencesMcManus, C. (2011) OSPIRE Office of Strategic Planning Institutional Resources and Effectiveness.