Metamorphosis is a key element in Greek mythology. The ability of the gods to change the shape of others or themselves is well represented in many stories, including Baucis and Philemon, Ceyx and Alcyone, Pometheus and Io. Metamorphosis was widely used to deceive, but what is most admirable is the use of metamorphosis in relation to love. The first story of Baucis and Philemon began with the gods Jupiter and Mercury heading to Phrygia out of boredom. Jupiter, responsible for all the guests who sought refuge in a foreign land, decided that he wanted to test the hospitality of the people of Phrygia. Jupiter and Mercury disguised themselves as poor travelers and wandered around the country, knocking on several hundred doors. To their dismay they were turned away from all people except a poor elderly couple named Kiss and Philemon. The gods were so pleased with the elderly couple's hospitality that they transformed the couple's miserable home into a white-pillared temple. The gods also granted couples the wish to "never live alone" and to "die together"....