Their desires would begin to increase, because they would notice the differences between the freedom received by men and the lack of freedom obtained by women. Therefore, Loy declares that women need an identity renewal to remove this feeling of desire that seeks useless pleasures, such as equality: “NO scratch on the surface of the rubbish heap of tradition will lead to Reformation, the only method it is Absolute Demolition”. (153). Here he clearly states that nothing old or traditional will bring about change. This is because tradition is based and based on customs and beliefs that have existed for centuries. Have you ever tried to convince a grandparent to change his opinion on something? It's almost impossible, because their opinion has a lot to do with how and what they were raised to believe. Therefore, to bring about change, women must demolish tradition, freeing it from gender constructs and false perceptions of femininity, in order to modernize society's vision of men and women.