A newspaper begins by stating that there has been an increase in single-parent families headed predominantly by the mother or another female figure. The father figure shapes the child's development, values and overall well-being. This relationship is as important as that of a mother. The bond provides the child with a strong role model that will impart discipline and also contribute to his physical well-being. There is a generalized social vision that shows fathers as lacking in attention compared to the mother who is seen as superior and as the child's main caregiver. The term absent father can include someone who has died or someone who is simply absent from the child's life, whether intentionally or unintentionally. The different ways a father can be absent are related to how the child will become. The outcomes will be less severe if the father is absent due to a death than if the death was intentional due to negligence. A study was conducted that compared single women throughout the child's development and a mother who had a partner. With this information, it can be concluded that parenthood affects children behaviorally, emotionally, and developmentally