Speech synthesis systems exist for the blind. These were blamed on personal computers and personal electronic devices. The specific technology on which this system can be found is Windows, Mac and Android. The text-to-speech system has been of enormous help to the blind and visually impaired. Speech synthesizers inserted into computers are able to read textual information on the screen. This allows the individual to use these devices, even if they cannot physically see what is on the screen. The user can send a command to the computer by pressing different keys on the keyboard. Synthesizers can also tell you the cursor position. For these output systems to work effectively, The Future of Disability in America states that “computer screen readers require appropriate design of what appears on the screen.” This means that the computer must not only read printed text, but also text on images and text labels on graphics. Input systems are also accessible. Speech recognition systems allow the individual to speak into the computer and it will proceed to type whatever they are saying. These input systems are seen regularly today with the iPhone. These phones include a smart assistant called Siri that can answer any voice question you ask. It is systems like these that make the use of technology easier for the blind. Thanks to this, the blind and other people with different types of disabilities can now freely use these devices