Topic > Essay on Sports Injuries - 2530

2.1 Introduction Sports injuries can be a very stressful, emotional and sensitive time for an athlete. Whether the athlete is recreational or elite, the prevalence of injuries can be a traumatic and nerve-wracking experience. For competitive athletes in particular, high levels of desperation, frustration, fury and confusion can occur with additional effects such as loss of confidence and fear of returning to the game (Evans et al 2006). According to Marjorie (1997) the occurrence of an injury not only temporarily incapacitates, but places an athlete in a world without guarantees or predictable outcomes. Injury rehabilitation is an essential element that allows injured athletes to return to their previous physical shape and start playing their chosen sport again. However, an obstacle to an athlete's performance and performance may be due to the images, thoughts and psychological judgments that crowd the athlete's head. Sports injuries are extremely common and have huge prevalence rates around the world. According to Nicholl et al (2003), it is estimated that 29.7 million sports injuries occur in Ireland and the British Isles and that a total of €991 million can be attributed to treatment and lost working days. Walden et al (2005) found in a prospective study that the injury rate among elite international soccer players was 9.4 injuries per 1000 hours of sporting activity of any type. Furthermore, Hagglund (2007) reported that 65% to 95% of players suffered at least one injury per year. Indeed, the sporting environment subjects the body to frequent and rigorous efforts and almost universally involves the acceptance of the risk of injury, such universality is not evident in other professional spheres (Flint 1998). Participation in sport is an activity... at the heart of the paper... recreational activity. (Emery, 200?). Although sports injuries are a growing health concern, limited research has been conducted on the psychological antecedents of perceived risk of sports injuries. (Flint, 1998). Despite enormous advances in medical care that have significantly reduced the time required for physical healing of an injury, too often this occurs while essential psychological responses are forgotten. This results in athletes ready to return to sporting activity but not yet psychologically healed. Keeping the fear of re-injury and prevention in mind, the present study further aims to explore the psychological process involved in injured athletes coping with injuries. An attempt is being made to further verify whether those who are physically ready to return to sport also contain the psychological preparation that is too often forgotten.