Topic > He was one of the great contributors of the Enlightenment. He was recognized for his well thought out reasoning, methods and philosophies. He invented the “scientific method”. The scientific method is a technique for DISCOVERING phenomena, LEARNING new knowledge AND correcting and integrating previous knowledge. Pierre Bayle - Pierre was a French philosopher and writer whose works influenced the development of the Enlightenment. Between 1684 and 1687 Bayle published his Nouvelles de la république des lettres, a journal of literary criticism. In 1686 Bayle published the first two volumes of the "Philosophical Commentary", one of the first calls for tolerance in religious matters. This was followed by volumes three and four in 1687 and 1688. Voltaire - WAS a French writer, historian and philosopher of the Enlightenment famous for his attacks on the established Catholic Church and for his defense of freedom of religion, freedom of expression and the separation of the church. was. THE NAME “VOLTAIRE” IS AN ANAGRAMM OF “AROVET LI”.Isaac Newton - Sir Isaac Newton was born on ...