Throughout his book he has illustrated the need to incorporate many perspectives when trying to define what is right. This is similar to George DeMartino's idea in “The Economist's Oath” that society benefits from diversity of thought. He said a variety of opinions is important when examining an issue, particularly more complex ones. He warned against groupthink (DeMartino, 2011). Sen too discourages groupthink as can be seen in current thoughts on justice as being based on transcendentalism and the idea of defining utopian institutions of justice (Sen, 2009). Both Sen and DeMartino reflect what may be a trend of thinking triggered by increasing globalization; a revised Renaissance perspective to recognize the many voices of different cultures and beliefs as global communication and connectivity have become easier. “Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education” by Sonia Nieto and Patty Bode examined social justice concerns and the benefits of multicultural education. They discussed the transition in thinking toward adopting this teaching style over the past twenty years (Nieto & Bode, 2011). The works of Sen, DeMartino, Nieto and Bode reflect greater diversity. The singular way of examining an issue as right or wrong, ethical or unethical, just or unjust is abandoned for a multidimensional way of representing a seemingly yes or no.