Pope Francis supports the church that teaches the ban on contraception (Chen). This is significant because Pope Francis would obviously agree with the Catholic Church's position on birth control. However, Pope Francis stated that “Catholics should not raise “like rabbits” and should instead practice “responsible parenting” (Chen). This shows how the Pope believes that Catholics should not have many children, but must take responsibility. Responsible parenting is a practice that allows couples to regulate the number of children they have, but this is still permitted by the Church. (Chen). The couple can still use this form of birth control and according to the Church it would still be moral. Pope Francis also «mentioned a woman he met who was pregnant with her eighth child after having undergone seven caesarean sections. Then he believed that this was irresponsible." (Chen) This shows how Pope Francis thinks birth control is necessary in these circumstances because of the health risks the pregnant woman faces and will face. After Pope Francis expressed her irresponsibility, the woman argued that she had to “trust in God” (Chen). Which is a good point considering she believes God can give birth to his children if he wants. On the hand, Pope Francis stated: “But God gives you the methods to be responsible” (Chen). This supports the need for birth control when considering health and economic factors. Pope Francis' beliefs support the thesis of the need for birth control for some Catholics