Both Edgar Allan Poe and HL Mencken can write reviews full of sarcasm and humor. These pieces of criticism talk novels about their judgment of these works that don't "make the cut" of perceived greatness and the kinds of people who would indulge in them. However, Noël Carroll is silent about the use of humor in art criticism, for better or worse. If we are to use Carrol's definition of art criticism, then we cannot judge the effectiveness of Poe and Mencken's use of humor in criticism, or whether it belongs there at all. The question, then, is whether humor has a place in the world of art criticism and how effective it is in conveying the critic's judgment and evaluation of the work. As Poe and Mencken demonstrate in negative reviews, but less so in positive ones, the use of comedy can strengthen their evaluation and analysis of a work of art by allowing the audience to laugh at some aspects of the work (and the environment in which the work is inserted). in) which distract their evaluation, drawing their attention to particularly weak moments. This usage deserves the play a place in art criticism, even if Carrol left it out of his definition. Carrol's definition of art criticism boils down to a few concepts: evaluation and judgment, the six utilities of criticism (contextualization, elucidation, etc.), and respect for the artist's intent. On the surface, sarcastic or satirical comedy does not seem to have a place in any of Carroll's concepts of criticism. But both Mencken and Poe often use comedy successfully in their essays. In Mencken's essay entitled “Private Reflections,” he categorically lays out the rationale behind much of his criticism. The main purpose of his criticism is to “knock down the… center of the paper…… of their arguments as to why a work failed to “make the cut.” Although it is not called by name in Carrol's definition of art criticism, they would demonstrate that it belongs as an important part of the evaluative component of negative criticism. Works CitedCarroll, Noël. On criticism. New York: Routledge, 2009. Print.Mencken, H.L. “A Modern Tragedy.” Critique of the intelligent whole. Washington: Regnery, 1987. 244-248. Print.Mencken, H.L. “Tearful Love.” Critique of the intelligent whole. Washington: Regnery, 1987. 170-174. Print.Mencken, H.L. “Private Reflections.” Critique of the intelligent whole. Washington: Regnery, 1987. 23-26. Print.Poe, Edgar Allan. “Joel T. Headley.” Essays and reviews by Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Library of America, 1984. 589-593. Print.Poe, Edgar Allan. "Nathaniel Hawthorne." Essays and reviews by Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Library of America, 1984. 568-577. Press.