This lesson uses the learning area 'personal and social development, well-being and cultural diversity' and 'language, literacy and communication skills'. Curriculum coverage for personal and social development, well-being and cultural diversity is "activities that enable them to communicate their ideas, values and beliefs about themselves, others and the world" for the range and for skills is “use stories or situations” raise questions about why some things are special; ask questions about how and why special things should be treated with respect and answer them personally.' For language, literacy and communication skills the curriculum's coverage is to "extend their response to a variety of stimuli on topics that are of interest or importance to them, including stories, poems, classroom activities and personal experiences." This lesson covers the literacy section of the Literacy and Numeracy Framework (LNF) where children 'listen and respond to the views and ideas of others; and use appropriate technical terms and vocabulary/language appropriate to the topic'. This lesson it also covered broader thinking skills, by children, who have to create and understand the meaning of the story, and ESDGC, through children's learning about the need to care for the planet. The ESDGC themes used in the lesson they are identities and