The hypothalamus controls both the anterior and posterior pituitary glands, causing the release of certain hormones that allow growth, nutrition of the unborn fetus and maturation of the body . If such a complex collaboration did not exist between the hypothalamus and the posterior and pituitary gland, some malfunctions such as pituitary dwarfism would exist. Therefore, there must be a collaboration between such complex glands to release certain hormones for proper development, but the path that the hormones must travel to reach their destination involves a neurohypophyseal tract of the hypothalamus and a hypothalamic-pituitary portal system. Hormones released by the posterior pituitary involve the neurohypophyseal system of the hypothalamus contains antidiuretic hormone and oxytocin. Antidiuretic hormone acts on the kidney glands to control water secretion and retention, thus "regulating body fluid and mineral levels (The Pituitary Foundation, 2015)". While oxytocin-releasing hormone affects the uterus and breasts, allowing the uterus to contract during childbirth and milk production after the baby is born. If these two releasing hormones did not reach those target glands, complications of incontinence, pregnancy and lactation would occur for those releasing hormones to occur, these hormones would have to travel along the hypothalamic-pituitary tract. The hypothalamic-pituitary tract involves both the paraventricular nucleus which produces oxytocin and the supraoptic nucleus which produces ADH. First, a stimulus must be initiated that stimulates the production of these hormones. Once the stimulus stimulates the production of ADH and oxytocin within the hypothalamus, the hormones travel along the axons of the... center of the paper... the GH hormone which stimulates all the cells of the body helping their growth and the repair. Without the proper release of this critical hormone, pituitary dwarfism can occur. Pituitary dwarfism is a condition in which the body length stops growing because not enough growth hormone is produced. Therefore you would have “average stage stature, hands and feet”, but short fingers and legs, “disproportionately large head, prominent head, flattened bridge of the nose and flattened cheeks (Myo Clinic, 198-2015)”. Therefore, because not enough growth hormone is produced, this can cause “delayed or absent sexual development during adolescence,” retardation, and premature death. Most individuals with the condition reach no more than 4 feet. Pituitary dwarfism is a condition that affects GH production due to the hypothalamus not releasing enough of that hormone.