For a leader to be such, he must start from the assumption that you are the one who matters most. As a leader you must have that level of self-confidence to be able to lead yourself “before you can lead others”. And when you develop this belief then you are better able to positively influence “others”. A leader must “believe” in himself and have the confidence that whatever you say will excite and what you do will motivate others. You have to be optimistic about what you do, have some relevance to existence. Believe it or not, “leadership starts with you”. Accordingly the five practices of exemplary leadership are:1. Model how to “lead by example” and demonstrate concepts regarding how individuals should be treated and how our aspirations should be followed.2. Inspire a shared vision: Leaders believe they can make a difference by inspiring others and engaging them in their dreams and future possibilities.3. Challenge the process: The leader seeks unusual ways to improve the organization by taking risks and experimenting, thus embracing inevitable disappointments as learning opportunities.4. Enabling others to act: Leaders actively engage people and strive to generate a climate of trust and self-esteem.5. Encourage the heart: Leaders appreciate the contributions that individuals make and allow them to participate in the fruits of their efforts, therefore, leaders celebrate the results. The two people in my life who have been models of leadership are Mrs. Paulette Ambursley – PrincipalMrs. Paulette Ambursley's nurturing attitude and idealized influence pale in comparison to her creativity. She…middle of the paper…gives her all and they give more because they want the result to be good because results matter. The leader generates work that satisfies the commitment and generates results that exceed and go beyond normal requirements (Lord & Maher, 1991). Works Cited Kouzes, J., and Posner B. (2010). The truth about leadership. Jossey-BassLind, E., (1993). Individual and corporate dispute resolution: Using procedural fairness as a decision heuristic. Administrative science quarterly. Lord, R. G., & Maher, K. J. (1991). Leadership and information processing: Linking perceptions and performance. xi, MA, USA: Unwin Hyman.Van Den Bos, K. (2002). On the subjective quality of social justice: the role of affect as information in the psychology of justice judgments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.