The transportation and logistics industry is a form of industry that keeps people and products moving and includes airlines and airports, shipping companies, logistics providers, and other companies transport. That's why it is considered the backbone of modern global supply chains. In a place like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which has a diverse geography with an arid desert, extreme temperatures and a vast area of approximately 2.1 million square km, a transportation and logistics sector is a necessity. Imagine that you have to move from one city to another (of course it will be very difficult to cross large areas of empty deserts) you have only two options for moving from one city to another; the first option is to drive and the second option is to fly and ship your car via car transporter. The harsh climate in Saudi Arabia makes people prefer to use the second option, this causes the transport market to expand. Albassami International Group is one of the largest companies created to meet these needs. It is considered one of the largest companies specializing in vehicle transportation in the Middle East. The company's philosophy is to serve the needs of customers over thirty-two years, during which they have constantly looked to the future by evaluating the most appropriate ways to transport customers' vehicles in the best and safest way. answer. They operate 24 hours a day to serve customers at all times. Analysis The mission of the company is to satisfy the needs of the customers by using distinct and best solutions and through this to be eminent among other companies in the same industry. Albassami considers the most important needs of the customer as a very important factor for success...... half a card ((an SMS will be sent) who can go to the branch to collect his car. The shipping system records information about the sender like sender's car, truck number, etc. and also records customer information. Then this information is linked together. Reports are written on each product with customer and sender information (say weekly) and these reports are sent to top management so that each process is monitored to follow up on any problems if encountered and try to improve the procedure. This information can also provide which branch is working better and which less, so as to improve the quality of work the company is following to achieve the objectives set in the mission.References1.