Youth suicides in Hong Kong have usually been published in newspapers. The number of adolescent suicide cases increased from 2.92 per 100,000 youth in 2000 to 3.41 per 100,000 youth in 2010 (The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, 2014), which is higher than the “global average” of 14 .5 per 100,000 people (Yip 2009). . The 24-hour suicide prevention hotline received 350 more calls from people under the age of 20 in 2013 compared to 2008 figures (Suicide Prevention Services, 2009). These data show the seriousness of the phenomenon of adolescent suicide. Youth suicide, caused by low self-esteem of the victim, can be alleviated by introducing an online self-help program on mental health training for suicidal adolescents, providing schools with "selected suicide intervention programs" for high-risk youth of suicide and promoting "suicide". prevention education' to train peer counselors. ''Youth suicide'' is the case of suicide among the age group between 10 and 19 years (The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, 2014). It is caused by the extreme feeling of failure in aspects of achievement and interpersonal relationships (Peck & Dolch 2000). There are three main reasons that lead to suicide among failed youth, including adolescents' low self-esteem, feeling of failure, and suffering disturbances in the family structure. First, adolescents with low self-esteem tend to commit suicide in the face of adversity (Peck & Dolch 2000). According to David Lester (1988), adolescents with a poor self-image who live with peer group competition may engage in overt suicidal acts (Berman, Jobes & Silverman 2006). Second, high expectations from society combined with poor academic performance lead young people to feel guilty about failure (Tse & Bag...... middle of paper ...... ood Press. Suicide Prevention Service. (2009 Annual Report. Retrieved February 18, 2014, from Hong Kong Council of Social Service (2014). Retrieved February 18, 2014. from, JWL and Bagley C. (2002). Wasserman, D., & Wasserman, C. (2009 Textbook of Suicidology and suicide prevention New York: Oxford University Press Inc. Woblenbaus, K. (2010). Inc. Yip, PSF (2008). Suicide in Asia: Causes and Prevention: Hong Kong University Press. Yip, PSF and Chiu, L. H. (1998). ). Crisis, 19(2), 67-72.