The American dream requires a constant and endless acquisition of money. One tool for measuring success in America is money. America has a very materialistic culture. When a person accumulates large monetary reward and materialistic possession, he has achieved success. The resulting direct psychological response is the ideology that “the ends justify the means.” As a result, as many Americans have done in the past, Jordan Belfort took advantage of America's "ends justify the means" cultural mentality. The vehicle for Jordan was Stratton Oakmont. Stratton Oakmont was an illegitimate company. Stratton Oakmont was an over-the-counter brokerage firm that continually sold customers worthless stocks and took part in the pump and dump brokerage method. Every element of Stratton Oakmont was designed to illegally produce the American dream. Stratton Oakmont has victimized hundreds of investors. Jordan's company allowed him to realize his own version of the American dream. For Jordan, regardless of the fact that his company was illegitimate, because it served as a means and an end for him. Stratton Oakmont allowed Jordan to be seen as a success story, because he had millions of dollars and hundreds of material possessions. Jordan Belfort experienced a tremendous amount of stress and pressure in his younger years to achieve wealth. The direct result for Jordan was anomie. When means and goals are emphasized to disproportionate levels, the result will be anomie. The pressure for Jordan was the American dream and his lack of access to achieve it. Jordan was very frustrated with the company and his inability to achieve success. After dropping out of school, Jordan got his first job as a broker at LF Rothschild. While... at the center of the paper... a crime of theory, which would later become the operating method for Stratton Oakmont (---). Second, the penetration of norms into other institutions occurs. The professor's statement makes it clear that the focus of economics had penetrated the Faculty of Dentistry. The school needs to emphasize the greatness of being a doctor. Instead, what is being stated is that dentistry will not meet economic norms. Education is largely viewed as a means to achieving employment outcomes, which in turn is valued primarily insofar as it promises economic rewards (Chamlin & Cochran, 1995). Institutions failed to provide for Jordan, education was seen only as a means to great wealth. If institutions had not been greatly affected by economic domination, Jordan may never have committed a crime. The end result was that Jordan dropped out after the first day and began looking for alternative means to get rich.