Employees are increasingly interested in jobs with flexible working hours. What factors are driving this interest? Flexible working hours means that people have the opportunity to make changes to their working hours (within a day, a week or over the course of a year), working hours or where they work. It is also about how careers are organised, how transitions in and out of work are managed and how flexible working in the workplace is managed so that employees and businesses benefit from it. In Malaysia and other Asian countries, there is a tendency for married women to leave work after marriage and the birth of children (Kaur, 2004). Inflexibility at work and at home places a lot of stress on women and families, especially for most women who make the home their primary responsibility (Hill et al 2004). Statistics show that 58.1% of the country's working women are married and hold dual roles (Malaysia, 2006). A flexible work schedule is work schedule that allows employee discretion to accommodate personal concerns. There are three main types of working time flexibility, namely flexible working hours, flexible working hours and flexible working locations. A flexible work schedule depends on employees' willingness to cover all aspects of the job and all hours of the day during which a company produces product or service to customers. Flexible working hours also allow the employee to work at times other than the company's normal start and end times. Particularly in an excluded employee environment, these hours are typically 8am to 5pm or 9am to 6pm for a total of 40 working hours per week. Flexible working hours is an alternative work schedule that allows a full-time employee to eliminate… paper…, avoid the traffic and stress of commuting at peak times, and the flexibility option available to them . Works Cited Career Advice. (2008) What flexible working really means. [Online] Available from: http://career-advice.monster.co.uk/in-the-workplace/work-life-balance/what-does-flexible-working-really-mean/article.aspx. [Accessed: February 10, 2014]GREENSBORO. (2009) Flexible working hours. [Online] Available from: https://web.uncg.edu/hrs/policymanuals/staffmanual/Section3/Flexible_Work/ [Accessed: 23 February 2014]Human Resources.(2010) Flexible Schedule. [Online] Available from: http://humanresources.about.com/od/glossaryf/g/flex_schedule.htm. [Accessed: 23 February 2014]Lexicon.(2009) Flexible working. [Online] Available from: http://lexicon.ft.com/PrintTerm?term=flexible-working. [Accessed: March 15 2014]