1.0 IntroductionTwain was famous for his quotes and one of his mentioned sayings about education which was "I never let my education interfere with my education", ( Twain, No Dates). However, what did he actually try to bring to everyone's understanding with his saying? The definition of this quote cannot be simply defined through dictionaries as there is no specific definition for these words. However, we can understand this saying through our thoughts or our experience when we do so, various explanations are developed, which indirectly lead to different infinite interpretations. Twain's saying made it clear that there is a difference between the term education and education. Most of us tend to have the perception that the two words carry the same meaning. Misunderstanding the difference between the two terms has led to confusion in various aspects. The confusion has led many people to interfere between education and education, claiming that school means education and therefore neglecting the educational part. Surely this system will not be valid. success if school and education are not beneficial to each other: School is a formal form of education in which students are taught in a classroom subjects based on a curriculum….You can be educated without education…. .Someone doesn't have to teach students how to read and write to educate them. (Educational innovation, no date) School is the bigger picture while education is a part of education. Why is school necessary? What is the purpose of the school? The answer to these questions will be identified in the essay below. 2.0 Goals of Schooling One of the most common and clearly found goals of schooling is to develop individuals who have skills and... halfway... .all and L. Zafrin, (2008) The Purpose of Schooling: Beliefs and Practices of Educators in British Schools, TERC documents, document 6, available at: http://digitalcommons.uconn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article =1005&context=terc_docs, (accessed: 20/04/14)JR, (2003) Aims of the School, available at: http://www.perthhigh.co.uk/article/166, (accessed: 20/04/14) Peterson, M., (2009) The purpose of schools , available at: http://www.wholeschooling.net/WS/WSPrncples/WS%200%20scopo%20schls.html, (accessed 04/20/14 )Twain, M., (No Date) Mark Twain >Quotes>Quotable Quote, available at: http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/1427-i-have-never-let-my-schooling-interfere-with -my-education, (accessed: 04/20/ 14) White, J., (no date) The Aims of School Education, available at: http://www.ippr.org/uploadedFiles/research/projects/Education/ I%20Obiettivi%20della%20Scuola%20Ed% 20FINAL.pdf, (20/04/14)