The movement that will be discussed is the environmental movement. This movement focuses on the environment and the well-being of the Earth. The Environmental Movement began on April 22, 1970, with the celebration of the first Earth Day. This movement was initially created as a way to raise awareness about the Earth and its poor condition. This movement has been widely accepted as a reform movement since it was originally created to help make the world a better place ( Since the first Earth Day, environmentalists have cared so much about the plants and animals of the environment that they have begun to paint the picture that humans are the enemy and the real reason why so many ecosystems they are failing. Today's environmentalists have launched many campaigns regarding environmental problems, including pollution and global warming. Since its creation, this movement has received funding through monetary donations from different members of the movement and through taxpayer money. Pollution has been a major issue on the environmentalist agenda practically since the movement's creation. Many people argue that our Earth is dying due to man-made pollution. Before the movement actually began, environmentalists already had the “perfect image” to use to prove their point, the Cuyahoga River in Colorado. According to witnesses, this river was so polluted that when it caught fire it burned. Scientists claimed that the river had actually caught fire ten times in 1970. It was around this time that President Nixon signed three different laws: the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Endangered Species Act (Dykstra, 2008). )....... half of the paper ......s, turns”. Mon. Dec. 15, 2008. Web. Apr. 17, 2014. Gordon, Erin L. “June 2012 American Center Environmentalist Newsletter.” environmental movement. 2010. Network. 18 April 2014. Introduction to environmentalism. 2010. Network. April 18, 2014.Brulle, Robert J. “The U.S. Environmental Movement.” n/a. Network. April 19, 2014.Clabough, Raven. “The government will spend twice as much on global warming as it will on border patrol.” Wednesday 30 October 2013. Web. 19 April, 2014